It is the great privilege of the LTS to welcome in its midst two guest instructors for the 3rd quarter intensives. Both hail from our sister church body in the USA, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. One of them is an old friend to many, since he has been coming to the LTS to hold lectures for many years – Prof. Dr. John T. Pless. Dr. Pless is an accomplished and well-known theologian, lecturer, speaker, and author. The other visitor is with us for the first time, but no less welcome: The Rev. Michael J. Roth, Senior Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in St. Joseph, Michigan. Yet Rev. Roth is no stranger to Africa, having visited and served in both Madagascar and South Sudan for many years. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, where both Rev. Drs. Sithole and Böhmer also obtained their doctorates, and where Rev. M.J. Nkambule is currently studying.

The first week of intensives is already over, and the students no doubt welcome the weekend break to clear their heads before diving back into the material on Monday, the Lord willing.

This coming Sunday, 4. August, a combined mission festival is being held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Arcadia in which the ELC congregation and both the German and Afrikaans congregations of St. Paul’s plan to participate. Rev. Roth has agreed to serve as the preacher and speaker. You are heartily invited to join us at 09.00 for the divine service!