Our competence comes from God (2 Corinthians 3:5)

Dear Friends,

A new academic year has begun at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Tshwane, Pretoria. 36 students from seven different countries in Africa are enrolled: From Liberia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Congo (DRC), Zambia, and South Africa. The LTS took the difficult decision not to accept any new students this year, mainly because we cannot provide accommodation to additional students at this time and because we do not have the necessary funds to offer them a scholarship, but also because I would like first to settle in well before accepting new candidates.

Many changes have taken place at the LTS since last year. The contract of former rector Dr. Wilhelm Weber expired on 31st December 2017. He was invited to stay on as systematics lecturer, but decided to accept a position at the Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany instead. We pray the

Lord’s blessings on his new call. As far as the seminary is concerned, we at the LTS are in need of a new systematics professor and believe that it will be imperative to call one soon. May the Lord aid us in this endeavor.

As the new rector, I still have much to learn in terms of the students’ realities and the day-to-day work at the seminary.

I have invited Prof. Dr. Karl Böhmer (not to be confused with Rev. Kurt Böhmer, pictured on the front page) to serve as the seminary registrar, and I am grateful for his capable assistance. Prof. John Nkambule has been released from parish ministry in order to serve as a full-time professor at the seminary, but we first need to finalize the LTS budget for this year before his position can be structured accordingly. Guest professors from abroad and from South Africa have been contacted and have indicated their willingness to serve as guest lecturers at the LTS this year. We are very grateful for their partnership with us.

Our two boards have also seen some changes. Several new members of the Board of Shareholders (also referred to as members) and also from the Board of Directors (executive) have come on board and are gradually being familiarized with their roles.

Our task is not an easy one; but with God’s help, we will manage the many challenges we have. I am always encouraged by the watchword of my graduation, which is also my personal watchword: Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant (2 Corinthians 3:4-6).

As for you, dear friends of the LTS, we welcome your support with your prayers and with your donations. The students need full scholarships to come here, and the LTS is fully dependent on donations to accomplish its goal.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have, or to learn more about life at the seminary. We will gladly share the students’ stories, day-to-day life, and experiences, and especially also share God’s love with you and with the world through the training of the candidates to the Holy Ministry.