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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Getting ready for the 2022 academic year

With the 2022 academic year starting soon, work has begun to get the classrooms and student accommodation ready. On the pictures you can see...

Renovations to Chapel Floor

During the summer holidays, life at LTS has not come to a complete standstill. Some renovations were done, most notably the renovation of the...

End of 2021 Academic Year

On November 18, LTS closed the 2021 academic year with Matins and prize-giving. Rector Hiestermann preached on Rev. 1:4-8, while Registrar Rev. Nkambule led...

A week in the life of LTS

What can or does typically happen in a week at LTS? To give you a glimpse in seminary life, below a few events from...

Intensive Courses

From October 11-22, Rev. Christoph Weber and Rev. Thomas Beneke taught intensive courses at LTS. Rev. Beneke presented a practical course on catechesis, and...

New Chicken Coop

From October 11-22, Rev. Thomas Beneke (Newcastle), presented a very practical intensive course. He taught "catechesis practical". In this course, students had to prepare...

Online Classes Start

Due to current lockdowns and travel restrictions, it is not possible for LTS to start the 2nd academic semester of 2021 with contact classes....

End of Semester Braai

Due to increasing Covid-19 infections, the end of semester exams at LTS have been moved up by a week. To celebrate the end of...

May 2021 LTS News

Newsletter-2-2021-FinalDownload Please click on the link above to view our latest newsletter!

Visit of ELCSA-WD leadership to LTS

On Friday, June 27, LTS was visited by the leadership of the ELCSA-WD. Bishop MJH Ubane, Deputy Bishop KG Molete and the Chaplain of...