LTS Deaconess Graduates 2018

The LTS celebrated the graduation of its five deaconess students on November 22, 2018. After three years of study, by the Lord’s rich blessing, Deaconess students Patience Gbotoe from Liberia, Gugulethu Gladys Jiane and Portia Kabini from the outlying areas of Pretoria (South Africa), and Hope Kachochu and Martha Tembo from Zambia graduated as deaconess candidates, having successfully completed the requirements for the deaconess course.

Deaconess Grace Rao (LCMS)

The students were mentored and received thoroughgoing instruction throughout this time from Deaconess Grace Rao from the LCMS, who devoted a great deal of energy and resources to assisting these Lutheran ladies at LTS. The course of studies was augmented by courses presented by other visiting instructors from sister churches, especially the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in the USA (LCMS) and the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany (SELK), as well as by full-time faculty members.

The graduation ceremony began with a festive procession from the deaconess residence to the chapel, attended by friends and family of the graduates cheering and praising the Lord in song and traditional dance for His goodness.

In his address, Rector Dr. C. Walter Winterle pointed the graduates to the faithfulness of God, directing them to remember His promises and to carry out their duties faithfully under the guidance of the Word of God and the direction of His Holy Spirit.

Following the deaconess graduation, individual students from each course were recognized for academic achievements throughout the year. The following awards were made:

Academic Skills

  1. Best Grade in Class – Mokobotwane M Modiane
  2. Most Improved – Franco M Lwamwe
  3. “Good Fellow” – Younan Chady Khalid

Greek 210, 220, and Lectio Continua

  1. Best grade in class – Desta Gebre Sinamo
  2. Most improved – Eddy Kajonde Nakalala
  3. “Good Fellow” – Lucky Simphiwe Miya

O.T. Isagogics

  1. Best Grade in Class – Younan Chady Khalid
  2. Most Improved – Karabo Maletswa
  3. “Good Fellow” – Mokobotwane M Modiane

Church History II

  1. Best grade in class – Peter Kizungu
  2. Most improved – Gentil Magala
  3. “Good Fellow” – Chernet Arifecho Fitebo

Church History IV

  1. Best grade in class – Michael Mutonga
  2. Most improved – Peter Kizungu
  3. “Good Fellow” – Humphrey Asiimwe

World Religions

  1. Best grade in class – Portia Kabini
  2. Most improved – Portia Kabini
  3. “Good Fellow” – Desta Sinamo Gebre

Pastoral Care

  1. Best grade in class – Michael Mutonga
  2. Most improved – Chernet Arifecho Fitebo
  3. “Good Fellow” – Albert Payvah

Apology to the Augsburg Confession

  1. Best grade in class – Portia Kabini
  2. Most improved – Desta Sinamo Gebre
  3. “Good Fellow” – Nkosikhona Mkhabela

Lutheran Catechesis

  1. Best Grade in Class – Michael Mutonga
  2. Most Improved – Nkosikhona Mkhabela
  3. “Good Fellow” – Pierre Shukuru

Deaconess Course – Women of the Bible:

  1. Best Grade in Class – Portia Kabini, Gugulethu Gladys Jiane, and Mekdes Aboye
  2. Most Improved – Patience Gbotoe
  3. “Good Fellow” – Martha Tembo

Deaconess Course on Law and Gospel

  1. Best Grade in Class – Portia Kabini
  2. Most Improved – Gugulethu Gladys Jiane
  3. “Good Fellow” – Martha Tembo

The Augsburg Confession

  1. Best Grade in Class – Lucky Simphiwe Miya
  2. Most Improved – Younan Chady Khalid
  3. “Good Fellow” – Mokobotwane M Modiane

Pastoral Counseling (Ministering to the Sick and Dying)

  1. Best Grade in Class – Younan Chady Khalid
  2. Most Improved – Gentil Magala
  3. “Good Fellow” – Charles Ofentse Tsatsi

Homiletics I

  1. Best Grade in Class – Albert Payvah
  2. Most Improved – Asiimwe Humphrey
  3. “Good Fellow” – Chernet Arifecho Fitebo

Lutheran Ethics

  1. Best Grade in Class – Albert Payvah
  2. Most Improved – Portia Kabini
  3. “Good Fellow” – Karabo Maletswa

Church Polity and Administration

  1. Best Grade in Class – Asiimwe Humphrey
  2. Most Improved – Gentil Magala
  3. “Good Fellow” – Chernet Arifecho Fitebo

Lutheran Dogmatics II

  1. Best Grade in Class – Michael Mutonga
  2. Most Improved – Nkosikhona Mkhabela
  3. “Good Fellow” – Albert Payvah

At the conclusion of the divine service, Rector Winterle declared the Academic Year 2018 closed, giving thanks to the Lord God for granting the LTS the blessing of operating throughout the year and coming to a successful close, as well to as all supporters and benefactors of the LTS. The rector then thanked all instructors and prayed a restful vacation and traveling mercies upon the students as they return home for the Christmas recess.

The LTS is to open again for the new Academic Year on February 4, 2019, the Lord willing.