New Cement, New Entryway!

The entryway to the LTS has long been in need of attention. After funds were raised to improve the main driveway and walkway leading into the seminary premises by two sister congregations, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church up the street and the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Arcadia (ELC), a work day was called at the LTS for Saturday, 21 October. A beautiful spring day dawned, with the promised rain holding off for long enough to allow a very productive work day. Seminary board members, staff, and students pitched in together with volunteers from both St. Paul’s and the ELC.

The work was kindly coordinated and supervised by building contractor Mr. Stephan Albers from St. Paul’s, who donated the use of his equipment as well as his own labour. In addition, several members of St. Paul’s donated the use of their equipment.

The project called for the remnants and foundations of the old dividing wall separating the chapel property from the rest of the LTS grounds, crumbling concrete, and rubble to be dug up and removed. Afterwards, the soil was leveled and sloped for water drainage. Finally, Mr. Albers’ company, Kliprich Construction, has now poured slabs of new concrete to create a new entryway. Once the cement has settled and hardened, and once expansion joints have been cut, the new entryway will be open for business! Thank you to ALL who participated and who made this day possible!

Following the work day, a braai was held with delicious meat to replenish the energy levels of the many tired workers. What a feast. Thank you to the kind donors of the meat!