
All began with a dream of Mr. Lothar Böhmer, from Wittenberg, RSA. He came to the LTS last year and talked to the students about a Veg Garden Project. The goal would be for the students to grow vegetables for their own use, as well as to learn how to teach their congregants in the future how to do it. The students became exited with the idea!

The plan was supported by Lothar’s brother-in-law Mr. Werner Schroeder, and by Mr. Hugo Meyer, both from Pretoria. These two men and their wives visited the seminary earlier this year, and with the support of St. Paul’s North Circle, talked to the students again about the plans for a veg garden.

Thereafter the students started preparing vegetable beds in the area behind the chapel. Only weed had been growing there. Several students volunteered to help, and each of them adopted a bed.

On 29th February, a Saturday, several couples from St. Paul’s North Circle came with tools, compost, manure, fertilizer and seeds to prepare the vegetable beds for planting.

They first had a class with the students, teaching them how to use fertilizer and explaining various gardening techniques. Then the students went to the garden to prepare the beds. The next step will be to seed some vegetables in trays and to plant the plant seedlings.

All are excited about this initiative and expecting to harvest a good crop.

The plan for the future is to cover the garden with shade cloth in order to protect the veg garden from birds and hail.

On behalf of all LTS students and staff, we thank the support we are receiving. May God bless us all.