LTS in Spring

As far back as the days when our Lord walked the earth, trees could send messages and teach lessons – as Jesus reminds the disciples, when the branches of the fig tree become tender and put out leaves, it means that summer is near (Matt. 24:32). In the same way, we blood-bought children of God are to keep our eyes open for the signs heralding the coming end of the age, and when we see these signs, we should know that the end is near.

As we at the LTS busy ourselves with the Word of the Lord and the study of theology, we have local alternatives to the fig tree in our midst with a rather more mundane lesson to teach: The Jacaranda trees for which the city of Pretoria is known are blooming, and our streets and avenues are decked in purple flowers. As every former student who lived in Pretoria knows, the lesson is: The final examinations are around the corner. And so it is at the LTS too, seeing as we follow the academic calendar of the University of Pretoria: Just a few more weeks, and the exams will be upon us. We trust that the LTS students will read the message appropriately and get busy with their preparations in good time. May the Lord God bless their efforts to this end.