"Suggestive Someone"

On 23. April 2018, LTS faculty and senior students were privileged to hear Dr. John Nordling give a presentation at the University of Pretoria. By invitation of Prof. Ernest van Eck, Head of the Department of New Testament Studies in the Faculty of Theology and Religion, Dr. Nordling presented an excellent paper entitled “Suggestive Someone,” in which he speaks to the identity of individuals cryptically referred to in the New Testament as “some” or “certain people.” An example of this is Gal. 2:12, which reads: “For before certain men came from James, [Cephas] was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party” (emphasis added). In this way, both LTS and UP benefit from Dr. Nordling’s scholarly expertise. We are grateful to all who made this possible.