The current crop of deaconess students at the LTS is nearing graduation day. On Friday, 9. November, the deaconess students, together with frequent visitors Mekdes Fitebo from Ethiopia and LTS cook Martha Mahlangu, attended their final class at LTS, “Women of the Bible,” taught by Rector Dr. C. Walter Winterle. The deaconess students include ladies from Zambia and Liberia, as well as students from South Africa. The cohort is set to graduate on 22. November after writing their final exams over the coming two weeks. They have been studying at the LTS since 2016 and have received strong support, personal training and teaching from Deaconess Grace Rao from the LCMS throughout their studies. We commend these faithful ladies to the Lord and pray He would bless the end of their studies and their transition into the harvest field of His kingdom.