The LTS welcomes new office administrator Mrs. Rosemarie Rynners. Rosemarie (née Hohls) grew up in Wartburg, South Africa, and her home congregation was the Congregation of Christ, Kirchdorf, a FELSISA church in Wartburg. Rosemarie is no stranger to the world of office administration, having served in similar capacities at various companies since 1972. She brings a wealth of experience to the position and comes at a critical point in time. Some months ago, LTS administrator Mrs. Ruth Jacobs resigned in order to devote more time to her family. Mrs. Erika Böhmer, wife of Pastor Kurt Böhmer, kindly agreed to stand in temporarily, helping to tide the LTS over until she began with a new full-time position elsewhere at the beginning of November. We at LTS are therefore very grateful to Mrs. Rynners for stepping in to fill the vacancy permanently as of November 5. She is a very valuable addition to the LTS workforce, and we pray the Lord’s blessings upon her and her service, that she might be a blessing to the LTS and the LTS a blessing to her. Already she has become installed as an efficient personality with a friendly face in the LTS office, and we look forward to cooperating with her in future as well. Welcome!